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Veterinary MRI Research at Cornell

The majority of the research performed at the Johnson lab involves animals undergoing an MRI Scan. Below we answer some some frequently asked questions about MRI scanning of animals. 

Where is the MRI scan performed?

Our research scanning is performed at the Cornell MRI facility which is located at the Martha Van Rensselaer Hall.


What type of MRI scanner is used?

The MRI is a top of the range 3-tesla GE discovery unit with an advanced research software package.


How are animals transported to the MRI facility?

Animals are transported down to the MRI facility in secure travel cages. If animals are showing signs of stress they may be given some light sedation prior to transportation.


How is the MRI performed?

The imaging is performed with animals under anesthesia and we have special anesthetic machines and monitoring equipment that is compatible with the MRI. Anesthesia is performed by trained anesthetic specialists or technicians. Throughout the procedure your animal is monitored closely to ensure that the anesthetic is going smoothly. MRI is non-painful and generally we can keep animals on a light plane of anesthetic throughout.

How long is the MRI?

MRIs take between 1 and 3 hours in length depending on the type of scans being performed.

Anything else I need to know?

All research performed by our lab has been approved by Cornell University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee in compliance with the US National Research Council’s guide for the care and use of laboratory animals, the US public health Service’s policy on humane care and use of laboratory animals and guide for the care and use of live vertebrate animals in research and teaching.

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